Helping Pets Adjust to Post-COVID Life

2020 was a crummy year for basically everyone besides Jeff Bezos and the collective worldwide population of housepets, both of which actually had a pretty nice time, all things considered. One of the few positives to come from COVID-19 was a huge nationwide surge in pet adoptions – some animal shelters even stood empty for the first time ever! The pets we already lived with have also been delighted to have us home so much – no more waiting all day for their people to come home from work! To be totally fair there were some cats who were more annoyed than pleased by our constant presence but, as a general thing, it was a big win for them. Dogs got long walks during lockdown, kittens were supervised 24/7 (anyone who’s raised a kitten will confirm that this is somehow still not enough supervision), and many fur-kids skipped annual trips to the kennel for long-term vacation boarding.

While there were some positive “pandemic side effects,” it’s still safe to assume that everyone is ready for this ordeal to be over. With COVID-19 vaccines slowly but surely making their way into Flagler County, that day is finally in sight! For many of us, that means rescheduling canceled travel/event plans, returning physically to work or school, and otherwise being away from the home for extended periods of time. But where does that leave all of the “pandemic pets?” Many people have been home close to 24/7 for nearly a year now. If you’re among them, then you can be sure that your pets have become accustomed to this new lifestyle. Unfortunately, when things begin to go back to what we would consider normal, a lot of pets will find themselves facing a rough adjustment period; one which may even cause acute separation anxiety. According to doctors Radosta and Fagen, the onset of separation anxiety symptoms “may occur with life events [or] lifestyle changes,” so it’s important that you handle any big changes with care. Signs of a separation anxiety disorder can include destroying/rearranging things, escape attempts, excessive grooming/licking, pacing/circling, and lethargy. To avoid encountering these troubling issues, take a look at the tips below, and get back to “normal” on the right foot.

  1. Conduct Trial Runs

The worst time to realize that your pets aren’t adjusting well is while you’re busy trying to readjust yourself. Before you leave for a trip or head back to work for 8 hours, it’s worth taking some time to see how your pets do alone. Start with smaller amounts of time – as little as 20 or 30 minutes if your dogs and cats have been around people nonstop – and gradually work your way up to the average time you expect to be away from home. Setting up a camera system or a video-capable device that can be used to check in via Skype or Facetime can even help you monitor their behavior in real-time while you’re away.

  1. Better Living Through Chemistry

Just like people who experience anxiety, pets can find relief through the proper use of medications. If your trial runs go less-than-perfect and you don’t think your pets will be safe or comfortable home alone, there are plenty of options to explore. Over-the-counter options like CBD oil or all-natural “calming” chews (often containing melatonin, chamomile, and other soothing pet-safe ingredients) can take the edge off and help pets relax. If your dog or cat’s anxiety is quite severe, there are also prescription options that can help. Talk to your vet about your pets’ symptoms. There are plenty of options you can explore that will help make alone-time a more pleasant experience for your furry crew.

  1. Hire a Pro

Hiring a pet sitter or dog walker can do wonders in reducing separation anxiety in your pets. A Pet Care Pro can be there when you can’t to keep your pets happy. A sitter provides exercise, enrichment, and hands-on play/affection that can help relieve some of the stress accompanying your pets’ new-found alone time. Whether you use Xanadu Pet Care, another service, or enlist the help of friends and family, having someone spend a little time with your pet during your absence can make a huge difference. Don’t wait until you’re heading out of town to find a sitter, however. To help make the transition more comfortable for your pets, it is a great idea to have your sitter or walker meet your pets a few times prior to any big schedule changes. Introducing a new person at the same time as a huge life disruption may add to your pets’ stress, so it helps to give your chosen caretaker a chance to interact with your pets – both with and without you at home – at least a couple of times before you make a big schedule change.

If you are expecting upcoming travel or a schedule change soon, give us a call! You can book a free meet and greet online and then rest easy knowing that a trained pet care professional will be there to help you and your pets through the transition.

Riding out a Hurricane with Pets

dog riding out a hurricane in a raincoat

I am one of the rare “born and raised” Floridians you run into only occasionally in Palm Coast. Living in Florida for 30 years, I’ve been through so many major hurricanes than I’ve honestly lost count – let’s just say it’s more than 10. Hurricanes are just part of life down here. The official hurricane season runs from June 1st until November 30th – nearly half of the year! My husband and I have three large dogs that would make evacuation a challenge. We’re also experienced primitive campers who aren’t afraid to be without power, so we’ve always chosen to ride the storms out at home. Riding out a hurricane is a stressful experience even for storm-veterans and it’s tougher still to prepare when you have pets to consider. From Hurricane Andrew through Hurricane Dorian, I’ve picked up quite a lot of experience managing dogs and cats through the big storms. As we’re heading into the most active part of the season, I wanted to compile some useful tips to help you and your pets get through hurricane season safely.

Make a Potty Plan

One of the biggest challenges when riding out a hurricane with pets is providing them with an opportunity to go to the bathroom! The rain can last for days on end and it may be unsafe for your pets to go outside (if you can somehow convince them to go out in the downpour in the first place). For cats, it’s a pretty simple fix: have a litterbox and lots of extra litter onhand. For dogs, however, it’s a bit trickier. You can use potty pads indoors, but many dogs are uncomfortable using these in the house if they aren’t already used to them.

A kiddie pool filled with grass can be used for your dog to potty during a hurricane.

One of the cheapest and most ingenious ideas I’ve run across is using a retrofitted kiddie pool as a potty area for dogs. When a storm is on the way, simply fill a kiddie pool with some turf from your yard (you can purchase sod, if you don’t want to tear up your grass). This can give your pup a little patch of the great outdoors that’s accessible from the safety of your home. You should obviously consider the size of your pets when you purchase a pool, but the bigger the better in most cases. A well-trained dog may be hesitant to use the bathroom indoors, even with grass under their paws. If so, you might have better luck keeping the pool in the garage or taking it onto a covered porch as needed. You shouldn’t leave your pool-potty outside, even in a covered area, as the wind can easily turn something this light into a projectile. In a pinch, you can also purchase urine attractant spray, which serves as a “potty here” signal for your pup wherever it’s applied.

Stockpile Supplies

It never fails: a hurricane springs up out of nowhere and thousands of unprepared Palm Coast residents flock to Publix and clear the shelves of supplies. I can’t stress this enough to my fellow Floridians: Have a surplus of water and food on-hand during hurricane season! At the start of the season, I simply buy a gallon or two of water each time I make a shopping trip until I have enough for my family (pets included). If you’re wondering how much water you need, there’s a handy calculator that can help. Not only will this save you a huge headache if and when a storm is on the way, but it will also help the entire Palm Coast community by ensuring that there are enough supplies to go around for those who are unable to stock up in advance.

While water is the most important thing to stockpile, there are other items you should consider keeping handy during hurricane season, including your pets’ food. I always try to keep an extra bag of my dogs’ kibble on hand and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have food for at least a week, come what may. As an added bonus, I never have to make a last-second Walmart trip after realizing I’m out of dog food at 9 pm. You should do the same with cat litter, treats, and medications as storm season heats up. Make sure you’re stocked up for a week or two on anything your pets might need because you might not be able to get to the vet or receive a Chewy delivery for a while, even after the storm has passed.

Provide Enrichment

When planning to ride out a hurricane with your pets, it’s easy to overlook the mental aspects of the situation. Safety and security obviously come first, but you should also think about how your pets will fare at home for days on end. You won’t be able to walk your dogs for exercise or take them for a drive to entertain them. You’ll basically be dependent on whatever you have in your house for days, so it’s worth including some useful and enriching items for your pets in that inventory. Puzzle toys are a great option for dogs, providing mental stimulation and a way to keep busy that doesn’t involve eating your furniture. Cats are a little easier to occupy (just ball up some tinfoil and watch them go!) but may still need some help staying calm. Hurricanes are stressful and scary, after all, and your pets definitely absorb some of your worries. Calming pheromone sprays and oils, such as Feliway, can help soothe nervous cats. There are similar sprays available for dogs, along with a wide array of calming chews and treats with ingredients like CBD and chamomile.

Have an Evacuation Plan

As I mentioned, I have never evacuated for a hurricane. However, I want to make it abundantly clear that I have never been in a mandatory evacuation zone. If you are ordered to evacuate, you should absolutely do so! I am confident in dealing with hurricanes, but I’m careful to never let my confidence turn into hubris. When a storm is coming, I always prepare to evacuate, even though I plan to stay. Part of my preparation process is ensuring that my suitcase is packed and my cars are filled with gas and ready to go. The bottom line is that these storms are unpredictable and you might be evacuated without much warning. I have heard far too many stories of stubborn Palm Coasters who made up their minds to stay in a mandatory evacuation zone, only to find themselves in danger when it’s too late to leave. I never panic during a storm, but I also take hurricanes very seriously. I have seen firsthand what kind of devastation they can bring and I implore everyone to have an evacuation plan in place.

Your evacuation plan should absolutely include your pets. Please, never leave an animal home alone during an emergency situation like a hurricane. Conditions may be unsafe for them and it could be quite a while before you are able to return. If you plan to evacuate to one of Flagler County’s hurricane shelters, you should note that only one shelter typically accepts animals and that they must be in a crate or kennel. As a storm approaches, keep up with shelter availability and specifics via Flagler County Emergency Management. If your evacuation plan has you leaving town altogether, make sure you call ahead to your planned accommodations to confirm that they accept pets. Many hotels relax their pet policies during emergencies, so don’t be afraid to call around to places that aren’t advertised as pet-friendly. If you can’t bring your pets with you to your accommodations, you may be able to find a local kennel or pet sitter near your final destination.

No matter what your evacuation plan entails, the important thing is that you think it through before you’re actually faced with a hurricane. Evacuation is stressful, but having a plan in place for you AND your pets will help everything go smoothely in the event that the worst-case scenario becomes a reality. Find out who to call and where to go if you need to evacuate and keep that information handy. And yes, you should do this even if you’re stubborn like me and plan to ride the hurricane out with your pets at home.

Xanadu Pet Care is here for you in good weather and in bad. If you have any questions about riding out a hurricane with your pets (or anything else), don’t hesitate to contact us!

Best Dog Walking Collars: Front Clip Harness Review

dog walking on harness

As a dog walker, it’s a question I get from my human clients regularly: what collar or harness is best for their dog? As with most questions about pets, there are some best practices to follow, but the answer is largely a matter of personal preference and the individual needs of your dog. We’ve previously talked about the gentle leader collar but there are tons of other options to consider before you hit the streets. There’s an enormous variety of collars on the market, so it can be a tough selection to make. In the coming months, I’ll be breaking down the pros and cons of some of the most popular dog collars and harnesses to help you decide for yourself which is the best option for you and your pup.

I have gotten more recommendations from fellow pet care professionals for the front clip harness than I have for anything else, so it’s safe to say that this is a preferred piece of equipment for the pros! While I personally prefer the head collar, the front clip harness is a close second. I happily recommend these to clients, especially for those with large dogs who pull.

The front clip harness goes over the back, chest, and belly of the dog, not unlike a traditional harness. The difference is that, rather than the leash attaching at the dog’s back, it’s attached to the chest area. Attaching the leash to the chest allows the walker to “steer” the dog from the front, rather than just stopping or slowing their forward motion by pulling from behind. The principle of how it works is the same as the head collar, in that the dog will actually be turned back toward the walker if they pull too hard. The dog is prevented from straining forward (and taking you with them) since they turn themselves to the side when they pull against the leash.

Dog walking with front clip harness

The Pros

The front clip harness is great for dogs who pull – especially large ones! Because the dog’s own momentum is used to turn it back toward you when it pulls, you won’t have to use your own strength to slow them down or redirect them. These harnesses come in an array of sizes and can usually be adjusted to fit just about any dog perfectly. This harness is a safer alternative to traditional collars, which can injure a dog’s trachea/neck if they pull too hard. The harness wraps around the dog’s body, displacing the pressure caused by pulling much more evenly than a collar, which focuses the pressure squarely on the vulnerable neck area. Front clip harnesses are so effective against pulling that they’ve even been recommended by dog trainers for sled dogs – the strongest super-pullers out there! This isn’t costly equipment either, usually running between $10 and $40, depending on the size of the dog and the specific brand of the harness.

Front clip harnesses actually have a leg up on my favorite collar (the gentle leader) in one area: they don’t require any training to use! It might be tough to get your pup to sit still long enough for you to get the harness on correctly but, once it’s on, you can simply clip the leash on and go. The anti-pulling action is automatic and won’t require you to learn any special moves either, so it’s perfect for dogs and handlers at almost all levels of training and expertise.

The Neutral

One note of caution about the front clip harness is that it’s somewhat specific in how and when it should be used. I recommend that you only use harnesses on walks or during other monitored activities where a leash is used (such as a training session). I don’t suggest leaving a harness on your dog when it’s not in use because the multiple straps stretching across the dog can easily become snagged on things, grabbed by another dog, etc. The good news is that, because the harness does not wrap around the neck, there’s a much lower chance that snagging could be deadly than there is with a regular collar. However, your pup could still injure themselves or damage something in your house if they got hung up on something and panicked.

Dogs can also reach a harness with their teeth and claws pretty easily, so it wouldn’t be a challenge for them to chew through or otherwise destroy it if they were so inclined. As long as you are willing to take the harness off between uses, none of this should pose a problem for you. However, if you’re looking for something that your dog can wear all day long, this might not be your best bet.

The Cons

There isn’t much of a downside to using a front clip harness, and the few cons that do exist are relatively minor. The biggest complaint that I have with this harness style is that it can be difficult to put on. There are multiple straps that need to be put in the right places and it’s not hard to get your harness on upside down or backward – especially when you’re working with an excited dog who won’t sit still. I sometimes mess up the order of operations and have to start all over, even when I’m using a harness I’m very familiar with. I also find that the leash becomes easily tangled under the dog’s feet if the tension on the leash is allowed to slacken. That’s not usually a problem for dogs who pull since they’ll keep the tension tight for you, but it can be a bit irritating if you’re walking a dog who likes to stop and smell the roses. This is by no means a dealbreaker, but it does mean you have to pay attention to the leash or use a shorter one than you might otherwise.

The only other point of caution I would give someone who’s considering a front clip harness is that it doesn’t offer the very best control out there. As Vetstreet pointed out, head halters offer more control, which might be necessary if you have a particularly aggressive or reactive dog on your hands. However, this harness still provides the walker with an easy command of even large dogs in a safe way. It should be perfectly adequate for most dogs, but there are more effective options available if needed.

The Take-Away

I heartily recommend front clip harnesses to anyone looking to curb a dog with leash-pulling tendencies. For dogs without pulling issues, there isn’t much advantage to using this over a traditional harness, but it still works just fine. The bottom line is that this harness is a safe, effective, and easy to use option. I would not recommend front clip harnesses for all-day use or extremely reactive dogs. However, in most cases, I believe it is a useful tool for walking dogs that pull. In my opinion, front clip harnesses deserve the good reputation they’ve gotten in the pet care industry. I’ve personally seen problem pullers turn into easily-handled walking companions by simply using this harness, so it has my enthusiastic recommendation.

Is there a collar or harness you want covered? Email me with your suggestions.

Xanadu Pet Care is ready and willing to be your dog walker of choice in Palm Coast and Flagler County. I’ll be happy to teach you the basics of using the face collar!

Xanadu Pet Care: COVID-19 Edition

I know what you’re thinking, “Great, just what I wanted: yet another business explaining how they’re handling COVID-19 even though nobody asked.” I debated even addressing the issue, but with the new stay-at-home orders, I wanted to be sure Palm Coast knows that Xanadu is still here to help with your essential pet care needs. I promise not to say “uncertain times” even once.

I’ll keep this short and to the point so that you can get back to homeschooling your kids, working from home (if you’re lucky), trying to use Florida’s CONNECT site in between frequent server crashes, and calculating exactly when Publix will get a truck of toilet paper.

Pet care is an essential service and, as such, Xanadu is still making house calls to care for your pets when you can’t. Essential workers have pets, too, and we want to make sure that nobody has to worry about how they are going to get their dog out for a bathroom break or feed their cat when they are working to keep our community moving. I am taking the following precautions to do my part in stopping the spread of COVID-19:

  • I will be wearing gloves at all times and changing them after each visit.
  • I will be wearing a face cover at all times while inside your homes.
  • I am offering zero-contact services as requested.
  • I am offering to use my own supplies (leashes, bags, etc).
  • I am continuing to offer free meet-and-greets to prospective clients, but I am asking that we conduct these over the phone or video chat whenever possible.

I am also offering 15% off all services to healthcare, first responder, and retail workers to say thanks for keeping life moving during even the worst of times.

P.S. If you figure out when the Publix truck is coming with toilet paper, let me know. We’re down to two rolls.

Best Dog Walking Collars: “Gentle Leader” Head Collar Review

As a dog walker, it’s a question I get from my human clients regularly: what’s the best collar to use for dog walking? As with most questions about pets, there are some best practices to follow, but the answer is largely a matter of personal preference and the individual needs of your dog. We’ve previously talked about the best places in Palm Coast to walk your dog and about making sure your dog gets enough exercise, but before you even think about hitting the streets, it’s important to select the right equipment to keep everyone safe and comfortable. There’s a huge variety of collars on the market, so it can be a tough selection to make. In the coming months, I’ll be breaking down the pros and cons of some of the most popular dog collars and harnesses to help you decide for yourself which is best for you and your pup.

The head collar gets first billing because it happens to be my personal favorite. I use this style of collar almost exclusively for all three of my dogs and have few complaints.

Head collars can be a useful tool for walking dogs who pull. The collar clasps around the dog’s muzzle and neck and the leash connects at their nose, rather than at their neck or back as it does with traditional collars and harnesses. The head collar works by turning the dog’s head to the side when they pull. The result is that, the harder they pull, the more they turn back towards the walker holding the other end of the leash. The idea is to use the dog’s own momentum to slow them down when they pull.

Xanadu dog walking with face collar

The Pros

The head collar is the clear winner, in my humble opinion, when it comes to pulling prevention. Every pull-prone dog I have trained on this collar has improved significantly – including extreme pullers like Xanadu HQ dog Millie (pictured above). In my experience, the head collar leads to better walking behavior long-term. I’ve found that it even curbs pulling when the dog walks with other types of collars once used consistently for enough time. Unlike traditional collars, head collars do not pose a significant injury risk to the neck or windpipe. If that wasn’t good enough, these collars are easy to find online or in stores. They are relatively inexpensive, mostly ranging in price from $5 to $20. They are usually adjustable, so they accommodate even the slenderest or droopiest of snouts. Another bonus is that the collar slips on easily and is pretty uncomplicated hardware.

The Neutral

While the head collar is versatile and fits most dogs, it isn’t an ideal solution for brachycephalic or “smush-faced” dogs. For instance, breeds like pugs and Boston terriers are not great candidates. Simply put, your dog needs a long enough snout for the collar to hang on to. Aside from this notable exception, it works well with dogs of nearly all sizes, shapes, and breeds.

It is worth noting that head collars do require some upfront work on your part. Most dogs have little trouble pawing the collar off if they want to. This means it’s necessary to train your dog to walk with the head collar without trying to take it off. That training is too involved to get into here, but veterinarian Dr. Sophia Yin wrote an easy and comprehensive guide that I would recommend to anyone starting out. Some dogs take more readily to the collar than others, but I haven’t found the process any more difficult than training a puppy on a leash for the first time. I have trained both puppies and older dogs with the same relative ease. My dogs didn’t immediately like the new contraption. However, after simple training, they now put on (and more importantly, keep on) their collars without protest.

The Misconceptions

Some people confuse the head collar with a muzzle and may even worry that it hurts the dog. These are misconceptions, due entirely to the aesthetics of the device. I have had issues more than once with strangers presuming that my dog was a bite risk, or becoming concerned that the dog can’t breathe or pant properly. My simple solution to the first issue was to buy collars in bright, fun colors. I’ve found that brightly colored collars look less intimidating to the uninitiated than the black or gray ones. The concerns around restricted panting or breath, however, might require some explanation. As you can see in the picture above, a dog can indeed comfortably pant while wearing the collar. They should be able to take a drink, carry a stick, and do pretty much everything they would normally do. The only way panting could be impaired would be if the collar was put on much too tightly. I don’t consider this a specific danger, as injury or discomfort can be caused by a walker misusing nearly any piece of dog walking equipment.

There have also been rumors about dogs lunging suddenly or breaking into a run and injuring their necks from a whiplash-like pull to the side. While I am not a vet, I find this to be a highly unlikely scenario. Paws Abilities summed it up well when they stated that, “this ignores simple physics. If a dog hits the end of the leash while wearing the Gentle Leader, it will start to turn him towards you. If he has a lot of force behind his lunge, that force will flow through all of his body, turning him further towards you. This means that a dog walking to the end of the leash may just be turned slightly towards you, with his body still facing the direction he was going, while a dog lunging to the end of the leash will end up with his entire body facing you.” Dr. Sophia Yin notes that “few cases of injury due to head collars have been proven or medically documented.”

The Cons: The head collar can be a fantastic dog walking tool, especially for those dogs who are shameless pullers. However, it is not the appropriate collar for every case. One of the biggest cons I have found is how easily a dog can take these collars off. You can usually address this issue through proper training, but it can still pose a danger for highly reactive dogs. I will say that I have never experienced a total failure – but I have had a couple of close calls.

The head collar tends to be thinner than other collars. It’s not far-fetched (no pun intended) that a strong enough dog could break the neck strap. I strongly recommend leaving on a traditional collar while walking, so you have something substantial to hold onto if needed. When first training Millie, I walked her with both a body harness and a head collar, using a double leash attached to both the collar and the harness. This isn’t a necessary precaution for all dogs, but Millie is large, powerful, and can be reactive on the leash. This double attachment served as a failsafe in case she was able to break free from the head collar, ensuring everyone stayed safe while we were learning how to properly use the new collar. Today, Millie and I use only her regular collar as back-up, but not all reactive dogs can safely use a head collar. Safety should always come first. Use your best judgment when walking a reactive dog and consider sturdier collar options if necessary.

The Take-Away

I heartily recommend head collars to anyone looking to curb a dog with leash-pulling tendencies. For dogs without pulling issues, there isn’t much advantage to using a head collar over a traditional one. The bottom line is that these collars are safe, effective, and easy to use – but only if the walker takes the time to properly train their dog and learn the basic skills of using this device. I would not recommend head-collars for reactive or smush-faced dogs. However, in most cases, I believe it to be the single most useful tool for walking dogs that pull. This little device has made dog walking exponentially more enjoyable for me. I highly recommend it to anyone dreading their dog walks because of a pulling canine.

Is there a collar or harness you want covered? Email me with your suggestions.

Xanadu Pet Care is ready and willing to be your dog walker of choice in Palm Coast and Flagler County. I’ll be happy to teach you the basics of using the face collar!

Pet Sitter Preparation: 4 Critical Steps

preparing for a pet sitter to-do list

Hiring a pet sitter can bring you peace of mind when you have to leave town. However, many new clients aren’t completely sure how they should prepare. It might seem overwhelming at first but, in my experience, a great visit can be ensured in only 4 steps.

1. Leave detailed instructions

Many clients laugh and apologize for leaving behind a novel-length set of instructions, but pet sitters like myself love them!

It’s important to provide as much detail as you can about your pets, from their bathroom schedule to their personalities. Pet sitting is more than just knowing when dinnertime is. We want to make your fur-kids happy, and in order to do that we have to know what they like. According to, it’s helpful for pet owners to tell sitters about specifics, like favorite games or walking routes. It is hugely helpful for a pet sitter to know about their charges’ unique needs. While most experienced sitters can make do with limited info, we’re grateful for any details you give us.

Be sure to leave your pet sitter lots of information about your house as well as your pets. The amount of detail you will want to provide depends on how long your sitter will be staying. For overnight stays, it’s nice to mention things like the WiFi password, location of cleaning supplies, and instructions for using any appliances they may need. A sitter with detailed instructions won’t have to bother you with questions and can focus instead on your pets.

2. Have an emergency plan

Having an emergency plan is critical when you are leaving your pets in someone else’s care. Gather up essential information like your veterinarian’s contact details, pet’s immunization records, pet insurance card, microchip information, and clear photographs of all of your animals and make sure your sitter can easily get to them. Tell your pet sitter exactly what you would like them to do in an emergency so that they can react as quickly as possible if one does arise. You should also share with them the contact information of a neighbor or local friend/relative that will be available to help in an emergency situation. Think up contingency plans and locate the nearest 24-hour emergency vet, because emergencies don’t stick to business hours and even the best-laid plans can fall through.

Having an emergency plan is a must, but you hope it won’t be necessary. Proper preparation can greatly improve your odds of never putting your plan to the test. Before you hand over the keys to your pet sitter you should check your yard and home for any potential escape routes, secure potential hazards around your home, and inform your sitter of any known safety risks (such as an escape-artist cat or a leash-reactive dog). A good resource to check out is ADT’s Home Safety Checklist for pets, which offers lots of safety suggestions that might otherwise be overlooked. Make sure your emergency plan includes emergency prevention.

3. Overprepare

It’s a great idea to overprepare before you leave. You should make a point to stock up and leave behind more than enough food, medication, treats, littler, bedding, and pet supplies (even those that you don’t use very often). I have run into issues with a pet running out of food while their owner is away. It’s a relatively minor setback, but it takes time and energy away from your pets and can be inconvenient for everyone.

From personal experience, I recommend that those with dogs safely stow away “tempting” items like trashcans or your favorite shoes. As for cats, they seem to take particular offense to being left out of travel plans. On more than one occasion I’ve seen cats show their displeasure by choosing their owner’s bed as their new litterbox. It’s a good idea to keep doors to unused rooms shut while you’re away. Limiting where pets can go makes it easier for the sitter to keep an eye on them and might save your mattress from the wrath of an unhappy cat.

5. Prepare your pets

There’s always lots to do before leaving town, but try to take time to prepare your pets for their houseguest. Having a new pet sitter over for a meet-and-greet can help your pets get comfortable. The more time they can spend getting to know your pets before you leave, the better. Once your critters get used to their new sitter, your absence will become less stressful for them. There’s always a learning curve the first time I stay with a pet, but it gets better with each visit. A good sitter should form strong bonds with your animals in time, but proper preparation will make the process easier.

Another pet-sitter-prepping best practice is increasing exercise time for dogs in the days leading up to your departure. If you need exercise inspiration, check out Xanadu’s list of the best places to walk a dog in Flagler County. All pets (furry, scaly, feathered, or otherwise) will benefit from extra TLC before their sitter arrives.

If you have noticed any potential health issues with your pets, try to get them checked out before you leave. Tell your pet sitter about conditions to monitor and issues your pets are prone to, like allergies or stomach sensitivity.

 The takeaway…

The critical to-dos when preparing for a pet sitter are to providing detailed instructions, developing emergency plans, overpreparing with supplies, and taking the time to ensure your pets ready. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask your sitter for advice. A good sitter will be happy to take the time to help with preparations. After all, this is all to make sure you can leave town worry-free and return home to happy pets.

I’d love to be the sitter you’re preparing for! If you need a pet sitter in Flagler County, consider reaching out to Xanadu Pet Care. We offer drop-ins, daycare, and overnight services at reasonable prices. Xanadu Pet Care is a trusted Palm Coast pet sitter with a local owner-operator and a nearly obsessive passion for animals big and small.

How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

A brown dog sitting outdoors, draped in a towel and holding weight in their mouth.

Like humans, dogs need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. From dog walking to agility training, there are a variety of ways they can get it. But how much exercise does your dog actually need? Your pup can’t tell you in their own words, so it’s up to you to do your research. According to PetMD, dogs require anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours of daily activity. Knowing where your dog falls on that spectrum requires you to think through a few factors:


Just like people, dogs go through different life stages. The activity level of a puppy and a senior dog will vary significantly, so you should factor age into the equation.

Puppies can be excitable, but they’re busy growing and need lots of rest. According to the U.K. Kennel Club, “A good rule of thumb is a ratio of five minutes of exercise per month of age (up to twice a day) until the puppy is full grown, i.e. 15 minutes (up to twice a day) when three months old, 20 minutes when four months old etc.” Training is a great way to exercise a puppy while simultaneously helping them build good lifelong habits and reinforcing your bond with them.

It’s important to take it easy with older dogs. As your pet ages, they may not be able to do everything they once could. Though they may move a little slower, older dogs do still need exercise of a lower-impact variety. Walking is a great option for a senior dog, so long as you keep the pace leisurely and don’t go too far. Swimming is also great for older pups, since it’s easy on joints and can sooth arthritic canines.


The breed of your four-legged companion will affect how much exercise they need. According to, small dog breeds usually need less exercise than their midsized counterparts. Oddly, the same is true for giant breed dogs! It makes sense if you think about it; little dogs take more steps and burn more energy walking the same distance, but larger dogs also expend a lot of energy hauling their super-sized frames from point A to point B. Super-sized and itty-bitty dogs may not need to spend as much time on exercise as dogs that are between about 25 and 75 lbs.

Other breed considerations to think through are potential health concerns. Flat-faced (brachycephalic) breeds like English bulldogs and pugs often have breathing difficulties that can cause heatstroke, which may be deadly. Take care not to walk your dog on hot pavement or sand, as this can injure their footpads. To be safe, don’t walk your dog during the heat of the day without protective footgear. When in doubt, hold your hand to the ground to assess the temperature; if it’s too hot to keep your hand there for five seconds, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on bare-pawed. Florida is an especially warm climate, so the heat is something to keep in mind for dogs of all breeds and builds.

Every dog is unique, but some were born to work. Breeds like border collies and German shepherds have high work drives and usually require more exercise than the average dog. Research your dog’s breed(s) to learn what traits they may have inherited. If your pup was bred to chase sheep all day, expect to spend more time exercising them than you would a typical companion-breed.


Dogs who spend their days in apartments will probably have to meet their activity requirements through dog walking or other planned activities. However, a dog with a yard and a playmate might get enough exercise just running around throughout the day. Think about how and where your dog spends their days when determining how much time to dedicate to exercise. If they’re normally cooped up, you might need to take them on several substantial walks each day. Conversely, if your pup spends their days outdoors with other dogs, you may not need to walk them at all.

Behavior and Health

Your dog might not be able to tell you how they’re feeling in words, but their behavior can say a lot. One characteristic of a dog who needs more exercise is an appetite for destruction. If your pup is tearing up your house, they likely need more stimulation and exercise. Excessive barking, reactivity/aggression, and extreme bursts of energy can all be triggered by a lack of activity. While hyperactivity and destructive behavior are the more obvious indicators, it’s worth noting that the opposite reaction is also possible. According to PetMD, dogs who don’t get enough exercise may become depressed, acting withdrawn and disinterested in things like playing and eating.

Finally, perhaps the most telling indicator of how much exercise your dog needs is their health and weight. Nutrition also plays a huge part in weight, but most overweight dogs could benefit from exercise. Stiffness and a lack of endurance can also be indicators that your pup needs more regular physical activity.

To rule out underlying health issues, your veterinarian should be your first stop if your dog is exhibiting any of these signs. However, a physically healthy dog who still shows one or more of these symptoms may be crying out for activity and enrichment.

So, the final answer is…

The short answer is that dogs need a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily, but many need more. Your dog’s age, breed, lifestyle, and health will determine how much activity they should get, above and beyond the minimum.

If your dog hasn’t been very active and you’re looking to change that, start slowly. A dog who has been sedentary most of their life may not be physically ready to jump right into a 30-minute walk, so take baby steps to help them get into fighting trim safely.

If you’re interested in finding local places for your dog to exercise, check out our article on The Best Places to Walk Your Dog in Palm Coast and Flagler County. As always, Xanadu would love to help you keep your pets healthy! Our dog walking services can be there to exercise your pup when you can’t, with dog walking starting at just $15.