Hourly Pet Sitting

Pricing and extras

Pet sitting in your home is available at an hourly rate for up to six hours. The price is $25 for the first hour and $10 per hour after that. This includes one-on-one pet care in your home with constant supervision. Walking, feeding, brushing, administering medication, and other services can be included as requested.

Additional charges for multiple pets or longer visits are as follows: $5 additional fee for 2-3 pet homes, $10 additional fee for 3-5 pet homes. For homes with more than 5 pets, a custom quote can be provided. You can upgrade to a 60-minute visit for an additional $10. We provide pet sitting for all sorts of animals, including dogs, cats, rodents, reptiles, fish, birds, horses, and pigs.

Policies and procedures

Your pet sitting service is totally customizable. I am more than happy to walk your dogs or let them out in the yard for potty breaks, scoop litter, administer medication, play with toys, or simply spend time with them. If it can be done within the time allotted, I’m glad to do it! If you don’t have specific requests, I will usually let the pets decide. If your dog has tons of energy, we may play fetch in the backyard. If your cat is a lovebug, we might cuddle on the couch. I like to let my furry clients set the tone for the visit. I love thorough instructions! If you are able to provide me with a written agenda, it always makes my life easier and helps me ensure that I don’t miss anything when caring for your pets.

I use a positive style of training and interacting with your pets and promise that I will NEVER hit them for any reason. However, I know that deterrents are sometimes necessary for everyone’s safety and absolutely do not judge those who choose to use them. I am experienced with reactive, anxious, and special needs pets and will offer services to them, so long as I feel I can do so safely. Safety is my number one priority and I never forget that you are the one who knows what’s best for your pets. If you prefer that I use deterrent equipment when working with your pets, such as pinch collars, e-collars, or muzzles, I am happy to do so (though I cannot provide this equipment myself).

Our hourly pet sitting service is popular with people taking long trips people that want some extra companionship and exercise for their dog, above and beyond the regular 30-minute drop-in. Senior and special needs pets as well as young puppies also benefit from the uninterrupted supervision when their people are away for an extended time.

I text a picture and an update after each visit, so you can keep tabs on how things are going at home while you’re away. I have emergency plans in place to ensure that your pets are taken care of no matter what. If I am pet sitting while you’re away, then I consider your fur babies to be my responsibility. To that end, I have ensured that there are plans in place in case I’m ever incapacitated or there is some form of local emergency like a hurricane that might prevent me from reaching your home.

I give you my word that I will treat your home and your pets with the utmost respect. I try to leave things exactly as I found it and make a point to clean up after myself and your pets before you return. There’s nothing worse than coming home after a long trip to find dirty floors, a stinky dog, and wilted plants! If you have specific requests (i.e. collecting mail, taking the trash out, watering plants, or dusting), I will be happy to work those into the visit for no additional fee. Otherwise, I use my best judgment and try to keep things looking exactly as you left them.

Book hourly pet sitting now!